I think right now I'm the proudest mama ever! (Though, I'm sure some of you will disagree.) Ethan started taking his first steps on Sunday, July 27th, at the rightful old age of 10 months! I was beYOND ecstatic, and Joe thought he'd married a crazy woman! (Which he did, of course.) He's so far taken a total of six (yes, SIX) steps at once, though it's usually three or four at a time. He doesn't seem NEARLY as excited about it as we are, but I'm sure he'll get there. I love my little son, and I'm always amazed by him every day!
Here's a fuzzy little video to share with you all. He wasn't really in the mood to walk, but we made him do it for the camera, anyway! Too bad the camera starts rolling after he started walking, but oh well. You get the idea:)